Loading 16-inch wheels onto three-channel black spacer Model IP-1416.
Loading 17-inch wheels onto two-channel gray spacer Model IP-1721.
Smooth easy manual movement of loaded compatible skid over 2.25-inch diameter floor rollers.
Loaded single-skids of 16-inch wheels on black three-channel spacer Model IP-1416.
Fork truck operator placing top loaded skid to make three-skid stack.
Fully loaded spacers stacked three skids high.
Manually loading 16-inch wheels onto three-channel black spacer Model IP-1416.
Manually loading 17-inch wheels onto two-channel gray spacer Model IP-1721.
Fork truck operator removing top loaded skid from three-skid stack.
Spacer Model IP-1416
Spacer Model IP-1721
Skid Model IP-1421
Skid Benefits
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